This version of the Flickr Photostream is a static widget designed to display thumbnails of your most recent Flickr uploads, and can be added quickly to your Blogger layout using a one-click installer. It's an ideal solution of you prefer a simpler method to display your Flickr photos which does not slow down page-loading time. You can see an example of how this widget could appear below:
To add this widget to your Blogger blog, you will need to have your Flickr user or group ID which may look something like this:
The simplest way you get your Flickr ID is to use idGettr (opens in a new window), where you paste the URL of your Flickr Photostream in the box so idGettr can discover your ID for you.
Once you have your Flickr ID you can use the form below to add your own simple Flickr Photostream widget to your Blogger blog:
I hope you enjoy using this widget for your Blogger blogs! Please feel free to leave your comments below.
Image credit: Flickr badge by Poolie via Flickr Creative Commons.
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